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Sunday 26 February 2012

Following in my Footsteps?

My 8 year old daughter took these photos of me. I think she did a great job!!

Tuesday 21 February 2012


Although I've posted a lot of the photos from this series I couldn't resist this one!

Dear Photograph Revisited

I decided to revisit the Dear Photo site that initially filled me full of sheer depression. I thought I would try to get to the bottom of why it had such an effect on me. After spending a good while going through the various photo's and words, I realised that it was actually my own sentimentality of the past. Some photos like the one shown here show a once carefree childhood and provoke thoughts of people and experiences now gone forever. I think it's the contrast between most of the photos between what was then and what is now. I tend to try not to look back and celebrate the past or I may risk immense nostalgia and slump into some kind of depression due to the fact there's nothing in the world that could bring those times back again..
I'm sure this wouldn't be the case but I'd rather not look back and think that those times were the best days of my life. I'd rather enjoy now whilst looking to the future. These are the best days of my life right now!
I contradict this all completely even today by the fact I take lots of photographs capturing memories. And in 10 years time I'll refrain from looking back at them for exactly the same reason.

Thursday 16 February 2012


I don't really know how I feel about the website below. It mainly made me feel sad to a point where I had to just stop looking at it.
I find it in fact extremely depressing to re-visit the past in this way. To hold a photograph up that captured laughter against exactly the same location years later where laughter is no longer heard.
Like going to a fairground when the fair has left and all remains are empty toffee apple wrappers floating around in the wind.
Maybe I'm just getting soft! See what you think.



A while back I read a post on my good friend Mr Doyles blog with some examples of cinemagraphs. Which I thought that although a bit spooky were still pretty amazing. This joining of still images with movement I find very interesting. I came accross a load of images from movies. Some with more movement than others, but most of them capturing something from that movie that I think would be hard to show in any other way on a website. I looked at them all and just wanted to see more.

July 2011 “I have all the characteristics of a human being: flesh, blood, skin, hair … but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust.”
American Psycho (2000)


Friday 10 February 2012

Teenage Attitude

This was actually my favourite photo of Beth which seems to capture the way she looks at me most of the time during these teenage years. She hated it of course!

Alex Studio