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Monday 22 October 2012

Spot the poodle

Recent X100 Wedding photos

Just a quick selection of wedding photos taken from a wedding I recently did. Fuji X100 is perfect for those shoot from the hip wedding photo's. I haven't put loads on because ill be posting the whole weddings highlights shortly

Sunday 21 October 2012

St Bees

Reluctantly I got up early this morning to go on a photo fun day out with a couple of friends who also like photography. One of the guys was actually someone I met probably about 20 years ago! Together we shared a darkroom and printed our photos at college. Happy days!! He's been a great friend ever since and it was nice to talk about how things have moved on but how we agreed we were glad that we learned photography before digital. Here's some of my shots. Still loving the Fuji x100!!!

Monday 15 October 2012

Editing on an Ipad 3

I have just finished editing a full wedding on an ipad 3!! You may find this a strange choice with a history of always using Lightroom and Photoshop. However, using a mix of photoforge 2 and snapseed I have found a much more rewarding system. What I find with the ipad is that viewing a photo on the retina display is the closest to viewing a final print as you can ever get. Therefore any flaws are apparent straight away. Photos that seemed sharp on a PC screen suddenly look blurred if your focus hasn't been spot on when you took the photo. So you can truly see what your end photo is going to look like. Although I found it took much more time to edit the photos as there are no batch process tools on the Apps I use, I have found that much more care and attention was given to each individual photo. In a day where photographers are more like a McDonald's with their fast food approach to wedding photography, I am going to be taking even more care over my wedding photography in the future. I will definately continue to use the ipad for my end processing, as the end result has been nothing short of stunning. I would really recommend the ipad 3 to wedding photographers. It's pretty amazing!!!