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Thursday 4 December 2008

What Credit Crunch?

All this talk of the Credit Crunch, and I just havent been affected by it at all! In fact I've been busier than I ever have been. Next years Wedding Bookings are even better than this year!
So whats that all about? People are obviously still spending money on getting Married.
One of my friends was trying to book a wedding venue for next year and has really struggled getting somewhere decent that isnt fully booked.
So it seems this panic hasn't made couples porspone their weddings at all. I have heard some photographers here in Carlisle complaining that they arnt getting as many bookings. Maybe its nothing to do with the credit crunch. Maybe couples are just making sure they are getting a quality photographer for their money.
People will always get that high quality with me, and because its satisfaction Guaranteed they know their precious money is being used wisely.
Credit Crunch my ass!

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