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Thursday 21 October 2010

My Compact of choice!

I have been after a compact camera for a long time that I can have fun with at Partys ect and just something that I would carry on me all the time. I had the Iphone 3gs which almost did the trick but it was absolutely useless as soon as the Sun went down. When the new Iphone 4 came out I was interested to see how much better the camera was. Was it going to be useable after dark??? Well I borrowed one and I was hooked!! I cant say I've ever had so much fun using a camera while out painting the town red. I just had to order one the next day. And let me tell you its awesome!!! Now before anyone gets all serious and starts saying how its not as good as this, that or the other, keep in mind the images below would not have been captured if I never had it on me at the time. Why dont you buy a good compact instead you may ask. Well when I'm out and about theres enough in my pockets without a compact camera ruining the stylish look of my Pants! And of course theirs loads of fun apps on there such as incredibooth that simulates the photobooth experience! An excellent use for the front facing camera!! And plenty of photo editing software to get the exact look you want, all without a laptop or Pc. On top of all this the Hd video is excellent and with iMovie you can put a quick edit together and get it out on the world wide web in one way or another. Before you think I've lost the plot, I would always use a pro camera for a pro job.But for fun and frolicks and when it comes to getting the pleasure of a compact back. The Iphone 4 has really done the trick for me.
Photo's by myself and Stefan Marion all with Iphone 4.

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