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Tuesday 22 February 2011

Saturated Photography

We are in a time now which is very hard for well established photographers. I can see already that this year is not going to be very busy for me. The problem is that everyone is a photographer these days. The industry is completely saturated. Digital photography has made this the case. Anyone can set up a photography business now for less than £500.00. The fact that they do not have either the skills or experience doesnt seem to matter any more.
The recession then adds to this problem because everyone wants to save some money and hire the cheapest photographer. Hell, many people are just getting uncle Bill to do their photography because he is doing it for free.
So where does that leave the skilled photographer who gained their skills in the darkroom. Who had to carry 2 Medium format cameras and a couple of 35mm Slr's to a wedding.
I'm afraid that many who chose photography as their career choice 20 years ago may now regret it.
Many have had to take on what my father would call "A proper job" otherwise they would not be able to pay the bills.
I'm aproaching 38 and I have to admit it keeps crossing my mind to hang up my camera and call it a day.
Its not that I don't believe in my own abilities as a photographer. In fact I think I'm a little bit too arrogant to think that I am one of the best at what I do. Lately though I think I would have been better off being a Hairdresser!
For now anyway, until the digital tool comes out to allow people to cut their own hair.


marcus doyle said...

I feel your pain my friend. no one cares about, or is prepared to pay for quality anymore. Its like I always say, people wont pay for good photography, but they will splash out big time for a crappy gigantic plasma TV made in China to watch coronation street.
People pay for peanuts and expect chocolate covered Brazil's.
The Digital Revolution has opened many doors, but closed more..

Reid said...

I remember when I got my first digital camera. I thought it was great. No more time in a darkroom printing. No more need for a Huge camera bag with 3 or 4 cameras. No more assistent needed to load my films. But with no film, no negatives, its just a bunch of numbers. It almost doesnt seem real! It looks and tastes like sugar but it leaves the bitter after taste of saccharin.
I seem to remember photography feeling a bit more cool, if you know what I mean. A little bit more sexy! But imagine if I switched back to film! Firstly there is finding somebody that sells the film you like. Then there's the increased cost of film and Paper these days. The increase in time to develop and print the photo's. The need for an assistant. These costs then have to be passed on to the customer. Then Brian, the guy who recently was made redundant picks up the digital camera his wife bought him for Christmas and he says. "I'm a Photographer and I will do it for a quarter of the price."
Guess who the customer goes with?
So love it, or hate it! We are stuck in this digital world that one day may just be like a holodeck from star trek!