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Wednesday 31 August 2011

The Wedding Secret

Its always nice to get all the lovely feedback from the couples I photograph.
Its also nice to get some recognition from others within the Wedding Industry.
Take a look at the Link below! I'm very pleased with their comments and photo's they have chosen.
Its a nice well informed site which I'm sure would be a great one stop place for couples needing idea's, tips and recommended suppliers for their wedding.
I'm chuffed to bits that someone like this has made a bit of noise about my wedding photography.
Please take a look.


Tuesday 30 August 2011

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!

After a week in Ayr by the Beach I have came back with the worst Cold ever. Its not suprising really with the weather being the way it was. I must have been soaked through every day always whilst on the Beach.
So now I suffer for my heroism!

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Most Recent customer comments

The photos are brilliant! You've really captured the happiness of our day and we love the DVD to music. So clever, I dont think we'll ever get tired of watching it! Thankyou so much!
Can I also say thankyou for being so relaxed and great to work with on our day. You were the perfect mix of blending in and getting the photos that you know we would have wanted. Having been to a few Weddings we know how the photographer can take over the day, and you never did that, just brilliant!
We would not hesitate in the slightest to recommend you to anyone getting married! All the best with your career!
Rachel and Ben Mattinson

Friday 19 August 2011

I was completely in the Dark

The other day a friend of mine asked me if I could quickly take some pictures of his kids. In a rush I slung my camera bag over my shoulder and headed out, remembering my studio lights were still in my car.
Little did I know that my cables and softbox were not.
I had to go ahead with the quick shoot anyway without any lighting.
This wouldnt be a problem but it was so dark that its not something I would have attempted under normal circumstances.
I chose a spot that was comfortable for the kids and and had a little bit of window light. It really was very dark.
However. With 1.8 aperture I managed to get some lovely shots. I feel that they turned out much more relaxed than if I had all the studio equipment set up.
See what you think.