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Wednesday 9 May 2012

20 years 100% Satisfaction

Its over 20 years now since I did my first wedding and I still have 100% satisfied customers.
Believe it or not Wedding Photography is one of the hardest things to get right consistantly. The venue, weather/lighting and subjects are never the same. The only thing that never changes is the fact that I'm there to capture that one day perfectly.
I received a lovely text message from a couple last night and although short, it once again gave me such satisfaction that I have never had one unhappy customer. The fact is that they are not only happy but full of excitement about how good their wedding photography is. I also get the usual great feedback of the guests from the wedding. Most of the time they think I am also a guest. Thats always been my aim, to blend in with everyone else. That enables me to capture the really good stuff. Even the posed pictures, you can see everyone is natural and relaxed. Its like even when I'm doing this portrait side of things that I'm still somehow off the radar.
You would think that with my track record and the skills I have that everyone would know about me. (I'm starting to sound like a big head here!!) That when every couple comes to decide on a wedding photogapher the first name that pops into their head is Paul Reid. This really isnt the case. I have never been big on advertising and marketing.  I've always been a speakeasy kind of thing. You do get almost a cult status when you work the way I do. This I think has also been part of the appeal for many couples who have booked me. Word of mouth has always been where the majority of my work has came from.
The rest are people lucky enough to have stumbled accross me on Google. (Talk about blowing my own trumpet!!)
I will leave you with the text I recieved last night. Short and sweet!!

Paul these are absolutely amazing.
I am totally gob smacked at how perfect they are.
Thank you so so so so much

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