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Tuesday 18 November 2008


Apologies for my lack of postings over the last few month. I have been extremely busy with Weddings and although I should have took the time to keep the blog up to date I just havent had time to do it.

This will change over the next few weeks as I will make sure that I commit 2 to 3 hours a week to the blog in the future. I intend to possibly start the blog afresh with my new commitment to keep it up to date.
I have had a really successful year so far and next year is almost fully booked. I must add that apart from my website and a link from another website I currently do next to no advertising.
Most of my work from this year and what I have for next year has been generated from recommendations from previous clients.
Thanks to anyone that still looks to this blog to see if there are any fresh posts, although as I say I think after the many months I have not posted I may as well start from scratch.
Watch this space for the new Blog!!!!

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