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Wednesday, 25 March 2009

What on earth is the world coming to?

There was an article just recently in our local paper. Basicly about yet another guy who has decided photography is going to be an easy career path for him.
He has been the victim of the many redundancy's that seem to be an every day occurance at the moment.
What annoys me is since we went digital everyone thinks they can have a successful photography career.
This guy actually said that he was on a winner because cost of photography has gone down due to digital yet the prices photographers charge have not!
So this is why he wants a career in photography???? I know I wont be the only photographer that would be unhappy with comments like his.
When someone goes to a hair stylist are they thinking of the price of the scissors he uses and the cost of the perm mixture.
The cost of tools and materials are irelevant!!! What an idiot!!!!
I dont want to sound like a dinosaur but I honestly think that you have to have used film and printed your own stuff in a darkroom before you know what you are trying to achieve in the digital darkroom.
The new guys who have only ever used digital should get themselves in a darkroom and start from scratch! They will soon see that their wishy washy grey digital photo's need a lot more work!
I'm sorry to sound so hard, but its the clients that I worry about. If they hire one of these new photographers for their wedding, it will be a disaster!
Its took me 15 years to get as good as I am and its been hard work! So Uncle Norman with your new digital slr, go and get another job that you actually have a passion for!!!!

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