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Monday 19 April 2010

No Photo's during a ceremony?

I get slightly annoyed sometimes when no photo's are allowed during a ceremony. I try to explain that I do not use flash and I am very discrete. This doesnt seem to wash with a lot of old fashioned registrar's.
Seems strange then that the same registrar's have no problem with a video photographer position directly in front of a couple. I try to tell them that theres no difference but I find that its like trying to talk a bouncer into letting you in a club when he's already made his mind up.
Luckily some are absolutely fine with these important moments being captured. And the ones who dont let me? Well I sneak some shots anyway! Its not their wedding day!!!!
Thanks to the gent in the top right corner sneaking a flash shot I got some fantastic flare in the shot below! Cheers you sneaky boy!

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