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Sunday, 5 May 2013

The Game Changer

I've gone on previously about how true love is such a rare thing and how I always appreciate seeing couples that are truly in love. That's why doing wedding photography is so important to me.
You could be going through life quite content and then one person comes along like a tornado and changes everything.
That's what you call a game changer. Game changers are rare and often a scary thing to come across because it really does mean that you know that your heart is on the line from very early on. You could walk away from a game changer as there is great risk of being hurt. In my opinion it's something you should grab onto with both hands. The reward by far outweighs the risk. If it doesn't work out then at least you know that you were brave enough to try.
In my life I've only ever came across one which unfortunately didn't work out which is indeed heartbreaking. The fact though that a game changer never came along before or so far after is proof that it was still indeed worth the risk.
If it worked out for you and you're planning a wedding then appreciate every moment and congratulate yourself for taking that risk when you knew what was at stake.
And make sure you get me to do your photography! Getting uncle burt to do your photography is not a risk with any reward.


Anonymous said...

Sad indeed to lose your 'game changer' but sad also to find someone who you feel is your ' game changer' and they do not want to take that risk on you. Life eh? But everything passes, the clouds still float, the sea still rushes to the shore and the birds still fly. We wonder what may have been and get on with what is.......It all makes us what we are.

Anonymous said...

Whoever did that cant have been worth the effort, maybe you just thought she was a game changer and got lost in the excitement of the game for a while. I always think that if it was meant to be it would have been at the time, sometimes people are just on different paths which collide at the wrong time.

Paul Reid said...

Ok well Anon 1, I agree that the clouds still float, sea rushes to shore and birds still fly. Unfortunately they are never as beautiful as when you have someone to share them with.
Anon 2. I agree timing can be a factor. Although I completely disagree with timing as a concept on the whole. Too many people's paths collide at the right time but with the wrong person. Far too many people who are with the wrong person just because the timing was right. I've spoken about timing being a hurdle to overcome in a past post. If you win the lottery you cash the ticket in as soon as possible (I'm not referring myself as a winning lottery ticket as such, just love in general)
You certainly wouldn't hang on to the ticket until the last day you could claim your winnings. And you wouldn't just throw the ticket away and then start buying tickets again when the time was right. You would know that the chances of winning again would be slim.
You may win the odd pound or ten pound and in the end that's all you may have to settle with. Then you would know you should have cashed that ticket in when you could. That's a very sad thought. All I'm saying is that I believe Love should be grabbed onto with both hands and not discarded, because you never know if it will ever come again.

Anonymous said...

You sound as though you feel you missed an opportunity, or someone missed one with you. Keep looking, no ...in fact dont look, but don't look away either.

Anonymous said...

Whilst your analogy of a winning lottery ticket makes a good point, you can't really compare it to taking a risk with a relationship. Every situation is unique and complex, timing plays a big part but is just one of many factors. Hurdles come in various shapes and sizes, some that you may think are small are immense hurdles to others. That's what makes decisions about being in a relationship far more difficult to make than simply cashing in a winning lottery ticket or not, that one's too easy to make.

Reid said...

Maybe the lottery analology is lame. I still think hurdles are just an obstacle that could be overcome together, however large. But what do I know anyway? I'm just a Photographer who's watched too many movies and listened to far to many song lyrics.
An unrealistic romantic maybe.
But for some,dreams come true.
And others for a time, their dreams can seem nothing but a cruel joke.
One thing is for sure though, if you don't even try then there's no chance of a happy ending.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes what may appear to others as two people living their dream can actually have turned into a quiet nightmare. Not everything is how it may outwardly appear to those who may look and see one side of the picture....flip it over and there is a negative image. You at least can keep looking for your dream .... Thats got to be a positive !

Reid said...

Its easy to be sceptical and negative of relationships if you have been in a bad one. Of course there are couples that on the outside appear the perfect couple. Obviously not all relationships work out otherwise there would be no such thing as divorce. Right timing and wrong person. I myself was in such a relationship a long time ago. However you must never let this hinder you from being in a relationship with anyone else in the future. I would rather say I'm glad I did rather than I wish I had. So I will stick to being positive rather than negative.

Anonymous said...

Good :-)

AuldAlliance said...

I'm sorry you and me just didn't work out Paul. How I wish I could turn the clock back.....

Reid said...

Trust you Stefan to leave a comment like that! You wish you had a chance with me.
Hope your still snapping away with that Fuji!!