I keep coming accross some of my early work. All taken on film and most of it really excellent.
I love the shot above! Its a family portrait I was commissioned to do about 10 years ago. I love their eyes in the shot. I love the warm feeling it gives. The print, which I slaved over in a smelly darkroom is stunning and its hard to show how beautiful a photograph is until you see a print rather than a digital copy.
I rarely ever do anything other than Weddings and personal projects these days. There was a time however when I used to do a lot of Family and children portraits.
Now these were never your usual cheesy rubbish that you seen back then even now. Nor were they following any so called modern photography trend such as Venture. What I did then is just as good now as it was a decade ago. The images have not aged.
This has always been my aim! I will never follow any current trend no matter how lucrative it is.
Honestly, if I was as much business man as I am photographer I would have followed every trend that has came along over the last 20 years. I would probably be very rich! I have never been a sales person either. If people like my work, they can have some photographs done and get whatever prints they want. I would never try and sell people things they don't really want. Photography will always be a want, not a need. And if I had followed any of those trends my photographs would now have been taken off those customers walls because they looked dated. Either that or they would stay there only because they would feel guilty to take a cheesy picture down of their loved one.
I have bumped into quite a few clients from 10 or 12 years ago and they still have my portraits in pride of place.
I will stay true to my art and if I ever do commissioned portraits in the future, I will be sure they will be just as beautiful in 20 years time as they were when they were first taken.
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