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Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Iphone 5

I am very curious to see what the Iphone 5 camera will be like. I skipped the Iphone 4S as it wasnt enough of an upgrade on the camera. In fact the Iphone 4 does everything I need from a point and shoot. So what would make me fork out on either a new contract or spend about £500.00 on the new Iphone?
Increased Megapixels? Nope!!! The Iphone 4 has plenty and we all know the megapixels arn't the main thing. Better low light capabilities? Yes this would interest me! Better sensor with better noise control? Yeah that would also interest me. Quicker multiple photo's would be good and a real optical zoom.
I think its going to have to be a combination of camera improvements that will sway me to get one. Its definately my carry everywhere camera which is very handy living so close to the beautiful Lake District.
I do use it a lot, not just for photography but pretty much everything else for my business.
I am excited to see in the next month or so what the new Iphone will have to offer. If its not massive leaps and bounds forward from the Iphone 4 then I'll stick to the one I've got for another year or 2. Afer all you wouldn't see someone updating their ipod every year or so.

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