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Friday 14 September 2012

Where this weekend

After a venture into the Lake District last weekend I feel the need to venture into the wilderness again. Its crazy that the Lake District is virtually on my doorstep and I have rarely gone into the Lakes if I havent been doing a Wedding out there. Trust me to decide this now as Summer is nearly ending. The pictures I took on my previous post were in a place called Howtown which was a lovely place with a fantastic view of the lakes. Who knows I might buy some waterproofs and some walking boots!!!
Wedding Photography and Portrait photography is great because you get instant praise for your photography from the client. Taking photo's for yourself however I find a strange experience, especialy of landscapes. I may think I've took a nice shot and yet who is going to tell me any different? The trees arnt going to turn round and say thanks a lot I look great in your photo's.
On the whole though I am going to continue on with the personal photography and post anything I do on here. If its good or not, to be honest I have no idea and a lot of it is with an iphone as thats what I have with me all the time. Quite strange doing a landscape in square format as well which is what Hipstamatic uses.
I will be taking my trusty X100 with me somewhere this weekend too so I hope to get some nice shots.

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