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Monday 17 September 2012

More lake District Photo's

You may wonder why I'm posting so many photos on here which are not wedding related. Well I've only just started taking photos for myself again and I'm loving it. It's took the purchase of one Fuji X100 to bring back the great habit of taking Photo's when I'm not being paid to do so.
Ironically not all are even taken on the Fuji but on my trusty iPhone. But I've always said that it doesn't matter what the camera is, but the shots taken.
You will see below a shot of a bird flying that is like a double image. This was actually a bit of an accident when I left HDR mode on my iPhone switched on. It basicly took 2 shots but the bird was flying so fast it doubled the image and you can see the movement while it flapped it's wings. I'm not sure if I prefer this one or the one where it doesn't show that movement. I'll post both and you can decide.

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