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Wednesday 26 March 2008

An Experiment

I don't do much marketing aimed at Carlisle anymore as it hasn't really ever made much difference. The work still comes in from everywhere but Carlisle.

I have decided to do Cumbria's biggest wedding fayre this Sunday.

Its quite expensive but once again I feel the need to just try again to crack my home town.

Surely when people see the quality of my work next to the other photographers from this area, they will choose me. Surely I should come away with so many bookings that I can't take them all on.

Its not that I need more bookings, its just I would love to see 50 percent of my bookings coming from here in Carlisle just once.

If Carlisle people don't book me, those dates always get booked anyway by people that dont live in Carlisle.

Why am I so bothered????

To be honest I think its because its never happened in the 15 years I have done this, and every year I hope that Carlisle has evolved this time around.

If the traditional photographers are now offering a reportage option these days, are they just trying to cater for even the minority here, or are their clents finally realising that its better to have a true photographic record of their day rather than just the same mundane poses.

This is my home and I am hoping that its the latter.

I also hope that they will not confuse the veteran traditional photographers so called reportage work from the real thing.

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