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Wednesday 26 March 2008

Small City

So here's the thing. I live here in a small city in the North of England.

Right on the border of Scotland, Carlisle is a funny place.

When I first decided to do weddings differently, I should have known that most people here wouldn't go for it. The old school traditional wedding photographers have held the monopoly on weddings here for decades.

There are only a few that live in Carlisle that actually book me to do their wedding. The rest still book the veteran traditional wedding photographers.

So, if only a few from my home town book me to do their weddings, where do my clients come from?

Well everywhere other than Carlisle!!! I can think of the last few I did were from Liverpool, Preston, Whitehaven, London, Glasgow, Holland, and Amsterdam.

This has been the way it has been from the beginning! I have tremendous word of mouth business that comes to me. I get booked over the net by others who have been on my website.

I am regarded as an excellent wedding photographer all over the uk and internationally! If I'm good enough to do peoples weddings from all over the world, why can't I crack my my home town?

Why also does a successful Photography Franchise like Venture Portraits work all over the uk, but close down within a year here in Carlisle?

I never really liked Venture portraits, as their high contrast, cross processed look will date too quickly! It is no one photographers style, but more just something a lot of portrait photographers are doing right now.

However, if it works everywhere else, why did it not work here?

Some people have told me I should move to one of the bigger cities, but I like it here and always have.

It would be nice to be appreciated by my own home town! BUT I would rather be appreciated in lots of places for my talent, rather than being super famous in just one!

Otherwise I'm just David Hasslehoff.

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