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Monday 24 March 2008

Why a Wedding Photographer 2

So why did I become a Wedding Photographer?
Well to begin with,I just wanted to make a point, that wedding photography did not have to be done in the same mundane way everyone else was doing it!
I am also a bit of a romantic I suppose! Every wedding I do is done with great reverence! Alough many couples these days decide to just live together, there are still many that make this ultimate commitment to another person!
To capture the day they do this is to me always a great honour!
To see the brides tears of happiness as she views my photographs of their day is the ultimate compliment!
In other types of photography you just don't get appreciation in this way!
Maybe a Wow or a that's amazing, but such emotion is rarely shown whilst other photography is viewed.
My photography also will be shown to so many people and then their children, grandchildren and will be shown for many years to come!
Obviously the photos must be great or it would not be tears of happiness that will be displayed!
I love the challenge of not knowing what the conditions will be like at a wedding! I also feel slightly smug when the weather is poor! I know although everyone will still enjoy the wedding, they will think the photo's will not be very good. In fact it is in bad weather and low light situations that I am at my best!
Obviously I hope for the day to be nice like everyone else, but I have dealt with all weather conditions and I know it will make no difference to the quality of my work.
I consider myself a wedding photojournalist but I also love grande portraits that capture the emotion whilst showing the environment the couple are in.
So if I take photo's like the one above as well as the reportage, can I still call myself a photojournalist?
To be honest I don't think it really matters!
I just do it my way and in my style!

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