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Monday 24 March 2008

In the Beginning

I thought it best to start with how my obsession with Photography began so here goes.

My first Influence came as a child from the least likely of places.

My father was a pastor and guided me in many ways to do with being a christian, but one of the ways he influenced me was from nothing he spoke of to do with beliefs or to do with God.

In fact he never really spoke of photography or other worldly things as he would put it.

He did however love photography and had a natural eye for taking great photographs and also some fantastic skills doing home movies both use of cine camera's and in editing them afterwards.
The camera's were always left lying about and inevitably I picked it up one day and went out taking photo's with my best friend Marcus Doyle.(My dad has a lot to answer for, as Marcus is now also a professional photographer!)

The camera was just a Canon Sureshot compact and after the first batch of photographs came back I knew I was hungry to do more, but I needed my own camera and more control than a compact allowed. My first camera I bought cost me £5.00 from my Science teacher. It was an oddball Minolta camera that was and Slr but the film format was 110, not 35mm.

I really wish I had kept it just for sintimental reasons but it had to go as well as 110 format was very low quality. So I bought a Practica 35mm Slr for about £40.00 which I used for about a year. There have been many other camera's since then but there's no need to go into all that.

The fact was that unintentially my Father started me off on the path I am on now. Ironically he still does not see being a photographer as a proper job.

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