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Thursday 24 April 2008

The art of black and white printing

I have mentioned my best friend Marcus Doyle previously but I have not mentioned his skill of printing! Marcus is not just a fantastic photographer but has an amazing skill as a printer. In fact it was Marcus that made me jump on in leaps and bounds as a black and white printer. I could see his skill was far greater than mine as a printer so I asked him to teach me his secrets. He did more than that! He actually wrote me a personalised book showing me the best ways to get superb results. The book had examples, prints he had done and was written in a way that he must have known I would understand. The book was funny as well and had me laughing out loud. How you can make a book on printing that is funny is something I'm sure very few have done.I will dig it out and scan a page from it to show you when I get a chance. I know marcus will admit he never gives much away to do with his skills and tecniques and it was a real honour to get such an in depth step by step guide to his way of printing. I mention this as I know as I have not printed anything in about 5 years I will be very rusty at it. So its time to blow the dust from his big black book and refresh my memory. Sorry I have posted no piccys but my computer is still away at the moment.

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