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Saturday 5 April 2008

Two more from London

Just a quick one, as I don't have as much time at weekends for my blog!

Just to say I received 2 more bookings yesterday which were from London.

What a funny old place this is! I get people travelling for 5 hours to see me from London but people getting married just round the corner don't even travel 5 minutes to see me. My good friend Marcus who did live here a long time ago doesn't seem really surprised and neither am I really. I guess its just one of those things!

And anyone that looks at that image and starts to criticise it saying they dont like the way you cant see the detail on the bridesmaids dresses can bog off because I meant it to look like that. If it was a Persil Automatic advert you wouldnt say that! As I say, I do it my way always!


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