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Wednesday 11 June 2008

The Death of Poloroid

I found it really sad the other day when I attempted to look for some poloroid film. The poloroid photo's were going to be props in a shoot I was going to do. The stuff just isn't made anymore and the price of the remaining film has soared on places like ebay! Although doubtful film will die in the same way, it is hard to get hold of any decent film in high street shops here in Carlisle. Not that long ago I went to Jessops to buy some black and white Tri X. Not only did they have no TriX. They had no black and white film whatsoever. They had the remains of their film in a junk drawer, with no intention of restocking once it ran out.
Even harder to get was some film developer and some fixer! No chance, anywhere! What was worse was that the people working there had no idea what fix was! And so is the new generation of so called photography experts! They know much about megapixels, but nothing about photography whatsoever! Now I can get any of these items from the internet or mail order, but I used to love my little trips to Jessops and decide there and then what I wanted for that days shoot! I would be envied by the men that worked there and fancied by the girls! Now I'm just the freak that asks for things they have never heard of and would never stock, much like a character from little britain! Yes when I was a lad and worked in Boots we would get them in there. The weird chaps that would ask for all their music on an LP record long after tapes and Cds were all that remained! I'm just a lot more attractive than they were!

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