I must mention one of my favourite films of all time is "Somewhere in Time". As above Christopher Reeves Character falls in love with a picture of Jane Seymours character. To his horror after becoming obsessed with her, he finds out she is already dead!!! DUM DUM DUMMMMM!
Cutting to the chase, he finds a way to go back in time and later on in the film you see the very photo that he fell in love with being taken. It is just as Christopher Reeve walks in the room just behind the camera that she looks in love at him and the photo is snapped.
I think thats a really nice touch! That moment of love on her face was captured on a photograph and was on a wall 60 or 70 years later only for someone to become obsessed with it.
This is one of my aims as a photographer! Not for someone to feel the need to go back in time because they get obsessed with some bird I took a photo of! But to capture a moment that can never be repeated. A moment that can cause happiness to remember or like in Christopher Reeves case break your heart to look at.
1 comment:
Giving away the end of the film as usual!!! Xxx
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